If you let it happen, the year 2020 can bring to you exactly what it says; perfect vision! After years of expansion and growth, beginning anew with 20/20 vision is the best way to kick start this new decade.
So many humans have been waking up, experiencing considerable shifts in their lives. For these people, setting the intention that 2020 will be when everything starts to come together is the first step to a life of peace, tranquility, wellness, and harmony. Let ‘s do this together!
Where do you start?
First and foremost, how you feel, your emotions, are the barometer to everything. At any time when you feel unhappy, discomfort, unease, anger, or any feeling that is less than satisfying, this is when you need to check in with yourself.
The last time I experienced negative emotions was when I was going to work at a place where I did not want to be. It had been a great environment until politics created un-necessary upheaval. After this, just the thought of going to work every day gave me a constantly sick stomach; I did not want to be surrounded by those toxic people! Walking away from that job was also me walking away from ever allowing myself to feel less than happy again. Until then, I didn’t realize I had a choice.
How do you do this?
Let 2020 be the time where you evaluate where you stand on every subject having to do with you.
The first step is being completely honest with one person and only one person; you! Yup, you need to spend some quality time with yourself to identify how you feel about everything in your life. Your work. Your family. Relationships. Where you live. How you spend your time. What you do for fun. What you do that is your idea and what is not your idea.
how you feel, your emotions, are the barometer to everything.
Take one subject at a time and think about how you feel about that subject. How many times have you said yes to something involving this part of your life, and you don’t do it for yourself, you do it to make someone else happy? If what you are doing doesn’t bring you happiness and good feelings, you need to give it a more in-depth consideration. Period!
This little nugget is the miraculous answer to everything in our lives. If you are doing something that is against the grain of who you are, you are not serving the one master that matters. YOU! You are serving everyone else’s needs instead. You cannot serve more than one master at a time; that master in command has to be you. If it is not you, you will never be happy!
Just imagine how this world would be if each and every one of us only tuned in to ourselves to find the way to happiness. I would be my master, you would be yours, he would be his… no one would have to be what someone else needed them to be!
If what you are doing doesn’t bring you happiness and good feelings, you need to give it a more in-depth consideration.
Our emotions are our guide to who we are and why we are here. When I was going to work day after day, feeling sick in my gut, I knew it was because I was not supposed to be around those people. I went back every day because I felt guilty for walking away from a stream of income! Once I walked away, of course everything worked out perfectly. First, I had to honor my need to leave.
We are so hard-wired that we stay where we are miserable because we can’t believe at that time that everything will work itself out. I have great news for you. It will. You can walk away from anything that doesn’t line up with who you are, and what you need in its place will appear. I guarantee it. You have to take that first step.
Take your family, for instance. You were born into yours, but it doesn’t mean you owe them your life. If being around the people or places where you came from brings you stress and discomfort, set your boundaries. If they are not honored, get out of there. You never need to put yourself in a position where you are miserable. A loving, caring person would always support this. If your family is not loving and caring, walk away from them. You wouldn’t let your friends treat you like that, why would you let your family? You can love them from a distance and send cards if you must, but don’t let them influence how you feel if it is not happiness. Don’t give them this power!
Relationships. One beautiful lesson I’ve learned over the last decade is that there will be many relationships coming and going in our lives. They are not all permanent fixtures. Granted, some can be, but many others are there for a lesson, an experience, or some other reason. Embrace each new relationship and allow it to unfold to discover why it is there.
I had many “best friend” relationships, and we were as close as two friends could be. Other life-happenings came in the way, and these relationships took off in different directions. This is a beautiful thing! I embraced what we had and took from each one the lesson or reason why we connected. When they ended, I allowed them to go and moved on, opening myself up for new ones to come my way. Life is supposed to be this way. We never can hold on to every single thing or person we pick up along the way. We grow from all of it, and then we continue moving forward with our lives.
We are so hard-wired that we stay where we are miserable because we can’t believe at that time that everything will work itself out.
Romantic relationships. I love the marriage vows recommended by Abraham Hicks. They are, “Hey, I like you pretty good; let’s see where this thing goes.”
Love relationships are partnerships. When we are in one, it’s about seeing how you and the other person synch up together. Do you like the same things? Do you share a lot of common interests? Are you both being authentic?
One significant part of relationships that is the essential thing to think about is… “are you always being yourself when you are with this person?” You seriously need to look deeply within yourself to discover the answer to this question. Walking away from a job is one thing, but a partner! Most people would rather stay in an unhappy partnership than go through the pains of walking away. It seems so daunting to leave and find some way to start all over once again.
If your partner feels like an extension of who you are, this is beautiful. If not so much, you don’t need to pretend to be someone you are not any longer. Being with someone is not a life sentence – ever. You always have free will. Just like other relationships we have, some of them have served their purpose.
Look at the relationship and see what you have learned from it or think about how you’ve grown. Are your needs being met? Value what you gained from it and be honest with yourself to recognize if it should be over. You are not locked into anything at any point in your life. We always have free will.
We all have our gut intuition about everything. This “knowing” is from within and always knows who we are and what we should be doing. When we are not honoring our instinct, also known as our guidance system, this is when we feel negative emotions. Period! It truly is as simple as this.
Being with someone is not a life sentence – ever. You always have free will.
When you feel any negative emotion, take the time to check in with yourself and isolate the feelings – trace them to see where they came from, and then alter your situation. The outcome is ultimately your happiness – and baby, isn’t that everything?
2020 can be the beginning of a brand new life for you if you allow it. If you experience any moments of less than incredible feelings, it’s time to take inventory! Don’t try to change everything at once (unless you are able). Just take one little piece at a time and pay close attention to it. Who or what causes you to have sadness, anger, or illness? Are you doing what you want to be doing? Are you doing what someone else wants you to do? Can you be happy being and doing what someone else wants you to do or be? No — you can’t. It is them – it is not you.
We all have our gut intuition about everything. This “knowing” is from within and always knows who we are and what we should be doing.
Start your journey to move away from anything that causes you pain. We never need to feel this way again. We always have the power and free will to create the life we want to be living.
Let 2020 be the first step to living the best life you could ever imagine! The possibilities are endless. I guarantee it.