Yesterday, I had a conversation with a man who was clearly stressed out. I told him he needed to chill, drop the stress and extend his life. He had a look of “I only wish I could” on his face. I told him about my recent visit with my nephrologist. My doc said that all of my numbers looked fantastic and asked how I am keeping my stress level down. I told him I have removed stress from my life. He had a puzzled look on his face and asked how I could possibly do that. I told him it was a decision, a choice.

About an hour later, I saw the man again, and we had a chance to finish our conversation. He is working in a job that basically landed in his lap. It started as one thing but eventually morphed into a full-time position. He’s happy to be working; he’s just miserable. He is not doing anything that he wants to do in his life. You can see it on his face and hear it in his voice.

You can’t go back and make a brand new beginning, but you can start now and make a brand new ending

Anyone who knows me knows exactly where I stand on this subject. I gave him the short version but also suggested he read my blog post “Jump” as a good starting point. You can read the post and watch the Steve Harvey video here. (if link not working, please see for blog post.)

This morning I saw another video which reinforces my blog post. It talks about a group of elderly people who were interviewed and asked what their biggest regret is. All of the people interviewed were nearing the end of their lives. They all regretted not what they did, but what they didn’t do. This is a must see for anyone who needs a reminder about our precious time here on Earth. The video is by Prince Ea, Everybody Dies, But Not Everybody Lives. It’s a sweet reminder that you can’t go back and make a brand new beginning, but you can start now and make a brand new ending. Click to watch video.

They all regretted not what they did, but what they didn’t do.

Assuming we only get one trip around the sun, why would you not go for that dream that has been gnawing at the back of your neck forever? What is the worst thing that could happen if you did? You really need to think about it. Like in Steve Harvey’s video “Jump,” yes you would have bills to pay, but… guess what? You will have bills to pay whether you jump or not! Right? Get out there and live one hell of a eulogy!

Prince Ea Video

Prince Ea Video

Could you imagine a world where everyone was doing what they loved? It wouldn’t be called “work” if this was the case. There would be no discussion of retirement because you would never want to stop doing what you love.

In my short trip around Facebook this morning, this was another beautiful thing I found and shared. So sweet yet so simple and true.

Higher Perspective

Higher Perspective