I know I know… I haven’t posted anything in quite some time. It’s not that I don’t want to share what’s going on; I’ve started more unpublished posts than you could imagine! Now that I’ve created life as I want it to be, with everything energetically in alignment, I plan on creating a new post at least once a month; every other week is my ultimate goal.
So, what is my excuse? The bottom line is two fold; I’ve been following my arrow – and – I have too much to say! What I mean by this is, over the last year my spiritual growth has expanded exponentially. Between all of the reading I’ve done, meditation and more profound understanding, minute by minute I’m peeling back more layers of my proverbial onion.
Just when I think I have something to put on paper, it becomes old news when I turn the next page in a book and learn something I didn’t previously know, or when I have something incredible come through during meditation. It, pardon my language, trumps everything and catapults me forward. I find myself in constant forward motion when what I wanted to write today becomes old news. It’s a plight!
To put in a nutshell what’s been going on personally, I’ve reached an internal place of immense peace, tranquility, and happiness. I’ve been all of these things for quite some time, but where I am now is almost indescribable. I will do my best to make sense of it all.
Over the last few years, I have found presence. No longer do I have a monkey mind or voices going through my head – ever! My mind is still and aware. I can remember when my mind was anything but still. It was every moment of every day for me, as it is for most people.
I haven’t experienced stress, anger, sadness, worry, fear, or anything other than happiness and joy for quite some time. Knowing deciding how we want to feel is everything; I choose happiness and peace 100% of the time.
When you are present, you don’t get stirred up over thoughts about what happened yesterday, last year or 20 years ago. You don’t worry about your kids or pine over relationships. You don’t judge and don’t care if anyone is judging you. You don’t concern yourself with what others think about you. None of these thoughts come anywhere near you. The same goes for the future. Yes, there are ideas and things I think might be in the direction I am heading, but I honestly don’t spend any time thinking about it. I simply flow.
Presence is a knowing that you are on your perfect path; you are right where you need to be at all times. You trust that the universe is placing the stepping stones ahead of you and you gently follow them. You don’t question or obsess if it is the right way or not. It just is, and you flow with it.
deciding how we want to feel is everything; I choose happiness and peace 100% of the time
Somewhere over the last two years, I went from a normal human who oftentimes would say what I believed others wanted or needed to hear, to someone who doesn’t understand how I ever did that. I am honest. It’s all I can be!
With my friends who are in the same spiritual neighborhood, as an example, when asked if I will join them for something they really want me to do, when I respond with “thank you so much but I’d rather not,” they honor this decision and thank me for it. No longer do I sugarcoat my reason (lie) why I “can’t” go, I am 100% straight up honest. I am unable to lie! They are just as honest with me.
The old version of me surrounded herself with oodles of people; all of which were plagued by drama; their own or from others! There were the strong personalities who had to be catered to, the weak personalities who desperately wanted to fit in, and everyone in the middle. When I walked away from this many years ago, looking at it from a different outside perspective spoke volumes. Freeing myself was the beginning of this next beautiful phase life brought to me. Letting go of being what others expected me to be opened a path I never imagined could exist. It’s there for all of us; you just need to open yourself up to find it.
Presence is a knowing that you are on your perfect path; you are right where you need to be at all times.
How we live our lives should never be dictated by the way others are living theirs. There is no “right,” “wrong,” or “normal” way to do anything! Everything we do in the world, and how people exist, have all been decisions made by the collective. When the collective doesn’t like the direction things are headed, they shift and alter them to appease the few who want the changes.
I played along most of my life, but I can’t do it anymore. I have stepped away from this planet of minions and am only following my arrow. I am not anyone else. If each and every one of us went inside and followed our natural instincts, this would be such a peaceful and beautiful world.

We are all co-creators of our reality. We get to write our own script and our own story. When we take the time to go within, we discover this part of ourselves that we aren’t even aware is there until we open up to receive it.
Letting go of being what others expected me to be opened a path I never imagined could exist.
I hope you are ready, open and willing to go down this rarely traveled road. If in doing so you find just a little piece of heaven and happiness, wouldn’t it all be worth it? Follow your arrow! It knows where you should be at all times.