It hit me today that I am not selling a house. I am selling sacred space. Whoever lands in this home is landing in the land of magic. If they come here to keep the magic alive, it will stay alive as long as they desire. If they want to kill the magic, they can in a moment. It is as simple as that.
When I went to Sedona in May of 2021, it was because I heard about the vortex energy of the area. Holy cow, I felt it emanating through my soul as I walked upon the rocks for six solid days. I already have more energy than a Tesla charger. Put me in Sedona, I practically exploded.
Then in the summer of 2022, I packed my car and headed out for a road trip. I had no destination in mind. There was only one option when I reached the intersection of I-5 and Highway 34. I had gone east to Bend already multiple times. My old home in Washington was heading north. The only unsung song for me was going south. There was plenty of smoke in the Oregon mountains at the time, so it was a no-brainer.
When I realized California was coming up, and one of the first towns on the way was called Weed, I knew where my car was taking me for the night.
There was nothing to see except the four security locks on the motel door. People must have interesting expectations of Weed. I have no fear, so sleep wasn’t a problem.
I woke at 4:30 and was guided to a post on Facebook. My friend Terri mentioned that only eight miles down the road was Mount Shasta and that I needed to get there.
I didn’t know what that meant, but I did know I was getting up and heading that way right away. My time in Weed was done. It was a novelty to stay there; I would get a tee shirt.
When I got to Mount Shasta, I felt welcomed and embraced by the beautiful mountain town. I found a motel that had a great warmth about it. Bonus, they let me check in early; you don’t find this in post-covid America. As I was checking in, I told him to go ahead and add another night. I had a feeling I might want to stay around for a while. I ended up staying five.
That day on the mountain, I felt higher than I’d felt in a very long time. I felt free and complete. I felt connected. I didn’t know where to go or what I was doing. I could drive to the top parking lot as there was no sign of snow. I walked around and poked all over the mountain. There were no limits.
I overheard a conversation near me. Someone was saying something about Mount Shasta being the root chakra. Wait. I remember hearing something about this. An immediate Google moment was before me.
Holy cow. I was standing on this planet’s mountain known as the Root Chakra. I mean, Sedona called me in a huge way. Miracles occurred because of Sedona. Now I was standing on the root chakra on planet Earth. The crazy way I was feeling now made so much sense.
What am I getting to?

It took me a few decades, but I have finally been called to the mountain where I am to broadcast from. I used that analogy for years. Now it is all making sense. I am to broadcast from the mountains, after all.
I found my house and bought it sight unseen. It is where I am to be. It is the place where I will finish and have the three books published. It is where my art studio will always be up and running and ready for playful sharing. My music will play. I will sing and dance. I will finally hold those powerful, life-changing retreats.
Now that my future is clear, it is time to close the transitional door that brought me where I am today.
I met God – literally “saw the light” for the first time in Yachats in 2021. I was at an exact intersection when it happened. All of my huge miracles are exact timing. There are no errors.
I was editing the powerful videos I made with Dan Erickson. He just said about God, “You are with your best friend…” when I had a message from Maria Elena Mexia talking about her meeting with God. She said the exact words simultaneously with Dan, “he is my best friend.”
The warmth and love in her voice as she said those two words ignited the light. At that moment, I saw the light. I felt the love and embrace that had held me solidly together my entire life. I felt angel wings wrapped around me. My Best Friend was holding me. I was never alone. I was always with God. I now knew it.
Before I moved to Newport, the word God had not entered my vocabulary.
Moving to Newport and before, I received many painful transmissions from above. My body was debilitated. I knew just to take it as I would be fine. The transmissions went from 20 seconds to five solid days. I just knew to absorb and allow. There was pain and a high fever, but I didn’t feel any pain or have to “endure” anything. I was between lives when these things occurred. I always know not to worry. My body would tolerate anything needed. I was now working for God.
I have lived here for sixteen months and am now moving to the mountains. What I am leaving behind is beyond magical. These walls where I live have held only me and God for sixteen months. I have had a handful of indoor visitors and very few overnight guests. I can’t allow random energy to permeate these walls. I have kept it pristine and immaculate so the growth can continue.
The three-book series, “Only Beautiful Things Happen to Me,” will be completed after I get to Shasta. These books are urgent, powerful, and necessary.
The first book overviews how a simple woman from Henderson, Nevada, became enlightened by following a random path of breadcrumbs. The second book tells the story of how I met Alden in Sedona. The last thing he had to do before he died was to meet me. Then he could transition back home to be my connection to the Divine. He is the one who opened up my kinked hoses.
It is an absolutely magical and mystical love story that started with the title “Homeless with a Dead Boyfriend.” This woman truly has a ghostwriter like none other.
I have been surrounded by God and my dead boyfriend the entire time I have been here. My energy is magnificent. There is nothing but God-energy in the walls of my home.
The third book was all channeled material received after moving in last year. I have been kept silent. I have become masterful at silent presence. I stared at walls and dictated channeling for half of the year. These words are biblical but translated through my lens. I know the words were beyond powerful, but I have not even been tempted to go back and look. After I finish the first two books, I will put these on paper. I will be safely in the wings of Mount Shasta when they unfold.
I felt the same way when I had to edit the videos I did with Dan and Maria Elena. I knew what I experienced talking to them was more than my human brain could comprehend. It took me weeks before I could go back and stare these videos in the face. I had to buck up and push out the walls of my comfort zone as I knew revisiting them would make this my new reality.
The third book is the same thing. The words are beyond the scope of my current reality. They tell the truth and shed beautiful new light and a new way to understand. Once unpacked and peaceful, the third book will unveil quickly. It is all written. I just have to be able to look at it without throwing up.
I have never been to church, so I held no religious beliefs. I was a clean slate for translation. God needed a new approach to what has been said many times. My very clear antenna was there to receive, under grace, in perfect ways.
I knew Sedona was explosive with energy, so I went there to experience it. The magic was beyond my comprehension. Words cannot describe my experience post-Sedona. My book will try.
I went on a road trip and was sucked into the vortex energy of Mount Shasta. I was drawn to Shasta’s high-energy environment. I had no idea what was in store once I experienced the spell cast by this mystical mountain.
As I head to Shasta to finish my work, I realize I am leaving something huge in my wake. I am not just leaving a house. I am leaving a sacred space.
And now, as I relocate, there is a chance that someone will purchase this sacred space, and they will have no idea it is sacred. They will not know about Sedona or Mount Shasta. They will come in here with their human thoughts and disappointments and destroy all of the magic this space offers.
This place is a place for healing. If someone comes in here with the complete belief or “knowing” that everything in their life would be beautiful, that would be exactly how their life would unfold. Whoever walks through these doors has a head start to the unfolding of miracle after miracle.
The place has got to go to a believer because anyone who doesn’t believe will immediately darken the energy. If you believe life will be bliss, you will only have bliss.
I leave this property and these walls blessed beyond belief. If someone wants a miracle, this is where it will begin.
You don’t need to go to Arizona to feel this magic. It is right here in the backyard of Newport, Oregon.