I saw a meme recently in passing along the same line as this. An animal looking at a human with amazement – when they “understand” that humans chose a system where they must pay to live on this planet. 

 2016 will go down in infamy.

I went to bed very early that night because I knew the damage was already done. It didn’t matter who won. The entire experience was a joke. It came down to between this, or are you kidding me. We could never unring the bell that our country was loudly ringing for the entire world to hear. No longer would America be seen as the powerhouse it was known to be.

How did we get to the point where we allowed ourselves to become the laughing stock of the planet? You said it was okay for another television celebrity to run for the most important job in the land. And you said it was okay for him to dismantle a system that had been solidly in place, and respected.

It was down to a guy who fired people with incredible arrogance, and the wife of a former president. I go into much more detail in Man is Ruining His Own Nest. I just can’t believe you allowed it to come to this. Now look what you’ve created! You have to be stopped.

The fact that you allowed this man to single handedly disrupt the very foundation our forefathers stood on speaks volumes about American priorities. You let his shifting sand dismantle everything we once thought to be solid. No one had respect for the presidency as they did before this election. Rather, we felt like we were being punked.

A scandalous toddler who requires constant attention was allowed to throw his smelly hand in the ring. Even Pussygate didn’t change your mind. This character could do no wrong in your mind.

Now because you said yes to him, you have created a world we can’t escape. The world we once knew is gone. There was a time when people knew God, and they knew where to point if a leader was needed. Not any longer.

America is about to see darkness in a way we have never experienced. There is enough crazy out there to move this vicious attack on humans into a space you have yet to see in horror movies. But you will. You will be living out the script as it is written right before your eyes. And you brought it all on.

No matter how we got there, we are going there. It will be dark. There will be no power. Cell phones will be useless. I look forward to once again seeing a 20′ curly cord on the wall next to the landline. Get your old cameras with film and load them. Find those old rotary and push button phones. We will bring them all back. Don’t forget typewriters with ribbon and correcting tape. We are going back in time to when it was all done manually. Many of us are well skilled in using this stuff.

The reason for this post is not to scare you. You should already be scared. I don’t watch the news or TV. I just watch you guys. You’ve gone nuts watching everything and feeling the need to stay informed. This energy that you have been feeding the monster is what is creating the darkness. The sooner you turn your attention away from the news that keeps you angry, the sooner we will see the light of day again. Your thoughts create energy. Your energy fuels the collective force that is building this machine. You are the problem. Turn away and look for the light.

Unfortunately, it has to come to the point where your information central will be removed from your reality. Without constant power and internet, you will have no access to the information that has been fueling your existence. I certainly hope you take this time to find your way back to you and God. Not to help get cell towers back online. The only thing this planet needs is you to turn your attention back to your interior castle. You have lost your way.

You are the light. You will not be in full darkness if you listen to me. We are all sparks of light. We are illumination. As we speak, we are in human form. We are in a skin-bag that is our costume to wear during this life-cycle.

For those who survive going into the darkness, you are safe.

A very dear friend of mine went into a darkness retreat a few years ago. The retreat was in Central America. She was going into a cave-like experience for forty days and nights. Food is put in a room and the door is closed. She would open her dark door to find her food where it was always placed.

She didn’t stay forty days. It wasn’t necessary. She got all she needed in two weeks. She got to know herself in a way she couldn’t elsewhere. You have no choice but to face you in a situation such as this.

When she was describing the experience, I had a vision. You know when you see a ray of sunlight come through your window – you can see particles dancing in the light, or layers of dust on a surface. You can see things you don’t see with your naked eye.

When she was talking about the particles floating around in the air; she was surprised she was able to see them because it was blacker than black in her space. I immediately saw the answer.

We are sparks of light. We are all part of all that is, but we are light. We are nothing but light. She was able to see the dancing particles with her human eyes because the spirit of Jen was there in full form. It was there as illumination. We are all sparks of light. You are never in the dark if you are open to the light.

When this time comes, you will find that you are enough. You had distractions to keep you busy for the last few decades that will not be in front of you now. Choose you.

Take this time to find your way back to you. You are enough. You came here with a plan. You came here with childhood dreams you were going to put on a cape and bring to fruition. Do it now. Now is the time for you to shine your light and be who you came here to be.

Do not wait until the dark. We can stop this now.