With Life…

Comes Living.

THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY – My Miracle Manifestations

THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY – My Miracle Manifestations

THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY - Episode FourWe get what we think about... it's your basic Law of Attraction in action. I was pretty amazed when I realized the thing I fantasized about actually came true. Looking back, I see all of the experiences I manifested, good, bad and...

THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY – Who are We and Why Are We Here?

THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY – Who are We and Why Are We Here?

Who are we... why are we here? You know you've thought about it - who are we? Why are we here? Why do we come to earth as human beings? Why does bad stuff happen to us? Sit back, and prepare to find the answers you've been looking for - it might be a bit more than you...

THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY – Following Guidance

THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY – Following Guidance

In this video Cari shares examples when - against the beliefs that drive humans into action - she followed guidance; how the options made her feel. She's never followed the 'sure thing' and never followed the money. By going the opposite of what your beliefs tell you...



Welcome to the first episode, the overview of The Path Beyond Harmony. Seekers are all out there looking for somewhere to hitch their wagons. If I can be that wagon for just one person to find their way to awakening, that is why I am here.   My journey has been...

The Path beyond harmony

The Path beyond harmony

My new life starts right now. This is a new video series I was guided to create. My time in Sedona changed my life completely. Everything has shifted. I have been living ONLY by following guidance, and it is astonishing what you find when you are true to yourself. We...