
Is Man Ruining his own Nest

Is Man Ruining his own Nest

  Is man ruining his own nest? I recently read an article in The Atlantic magazine that can't help but make you think about the future. The...

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Under two years ago, I caught an interview Oprah was doing with comedian Steve Harvey. This wasn't a segment about comedy but about changing your...

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It Is Only a Game

It Is Only a Game

It was just another Sunday soccer game for Hannah. It would be the first game of the season for the new team she has been playing on for about six...

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Nothing better than being next to the water in Yachats on the Oregon Coast. I've been here all alone for over three days now, and I could stay...

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Is This Where We Are Headed?

Is This Where We Are Headed?

In trying to think back to 16-years-old and what I was excited about, sadly I'm drawing a blank. I know I liked music, but I didn't have to have it...

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Faith in Humanity Destroyed

Faith in Humanity Destroyed

Driving to Seattle yesterday morning, I saw something that sadly, I cannot unsee. Traffic wasn't too bad so keeping up at 60 mph was easy to do,...

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Listen To Your Gut

Listen To Your Gut

My gut was gnawing at me today in a huge way. To find clarity, I did what I do every time I'm faced with my gut arguing with me, I went for a walk....

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Celebrating Friends Today

Celebrating Friends Today

How many true friends do you have? If you stop and think about it, how many are there? How many would swim through shark-infested waters to help you...

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