This is a ten minute video I created on Tik Tok moments after I heard my friend's daughter ended her life. Suicide is a choice we make - but it...
My life consists of miracles happening all of the time. It is pure magic. I am here because my life wasn't working. I wasn't fulfilled. Something...
I saw a meme recently in passing along the same line as this. An animal looking at a human with amazement - when they "understand" that humans chose...
I would love to have a drink with Jim Carrey now. We are nothing like the rest of you. We would laugh hard for hours talking about y'all and your...
Staying the night in Medford, I was stoked to enjoy Olive Garden. I got my usual - salad, bread, and a side chicken breast. I was stuffed. I...
This letter is written to my old friends, family, neighbors co-workers and classmates. It is written to tell you the world we once knew is no longer...
After I went on the cruise in March, a massive download came through early in the morning of March 29th. I woke up screaming and crying, shaking to my soul. At that very moment I was shown why I was “sent” to Hawaii on August 6, two days before the fire. I can’t make this stuff up. I was sent there for a reason.
They are on Amazon for the "soft launch" and are on sale. The launch has yet to happen. The huge marketing plan is underway at Balboa and Amazon...
Our Political System; confusing disaster that can’t be explained or understood. You say we can’t reinvent the wheel. I say we have no choice.
What a Real Dad Looks Like
Often we don’t see what is right before us. After four dads left us broken and lost, an angel stepped in. At 21-years-old he took on a monumental task of raising three broken girls. He wasn’t alone. Down the street was another angel raising three boys.
SEDONA – Homeless with a Dead Boyfriend
The last thing he had to do before he died was meet Cari Palmer from Puyallup. Without so much as touching, I learned what “love” means. He died just over seven weeks later. I wrote an entire book about him.
Because You Need It Now… A Love Letter From The Other Side
You lost your loved one. They were right there beside you living large; life was perfect. Then like the blink of an eye, they were gone. How are we...
Holy Cow! With the Flip of a Switch, He’s Off the Hook.
God does not disappoint. There are no errors. Two years ago on September 15th, the most perfect human being was sent to me as a promise of the...
Don’t “I Do” Until You Read This
When I met John O. on the Safeguard Business Systems ski bus to Whistler, I knew it was all over. He was cute, charming, handsome, and so...
Oh When His Ants… Start Marching In…
While I truly cannot be around people as a rule, there is one I cannot get away from. I am fine with this. It is my only human challenge, but I get...
You Forgot Miracles Exist
I see a vision. I am holding a piece of black paper and two drops of water are added to the paper. In a moment, the two drops of water move together...
Being Jessica Rabbit
Last night, I enjoyed a chicken street taco at my favorite Mexican restaurant. In the bar, there was a family of eight having dinner. All adults,...
Becoming Immaculate – Heaven in a Skin Bag
A powerful video explaining what our ultimate goal is while walking on this planet. It’s not what you think.
When he took his Life in July, he learned “Spirit” is reality. From the other side – death – he came to me to share this story
He took his life in July. I know he struggled and wanted to call me. He knew I could help him - but he was so lost. Spending a few weeks a year at a...
Was that your person? Beyond the Break Up – Overnight
We think we are to mate for life. We are not. We have agreements for people to enter into our lives to help us become what we need to become. When...
From Human to Heaven in a Skin Bag
Living as an enlightened human being... What is this like? I know. I live it daily.The title of my first book came through me after the experience...
Next Step To Heaven On Earth
I don't want food. I genuinely don't. Food is something we grow up seeing as a significant part of life. It is everything. It is cultural. It is...
Three Books Almost Shelf Ready – It’s About Time
I made each of these short so you can watch as much or as little as you want. My books are coming to an end. I am moving and I don't know where. I...
Living In 5D
I no longer live any storylines on this planet, so there is no opportunity for illness. We create illness when we choose to stay stuck in a...
Fearlessly Sharing My dark Story – that delivered me to my next step
I am sharing a very personal story about my life when I was in my early 20s, younger than my daughter. I was facing a demon and had to get beyond a...
Watching as We Once Again Self Destruct
I had a beautiful relationship with my grandfather. I was the only one who said, "Yes, let go," when he was ready to leave this earth. Everyone else...
I Wanted Him to Treat Me This Way? Really?
I have had a few conversations with a lovely young woman who works at a local establishment. Chatting yesterday, I told her about the two...
You Just Escaped Your Cage – Will you Victim – or Not Victim
I kNEW MY WORK WAS DONE IN NEWPORT WHEN YOU WERE SET FREE.Their story is horrific. Life was magical until their mom suddenly died. Leaving them with...
Maui – Breaking Your Soul’s Circle Cycle
I am in Maui as I write this. Sitting inside my little kitchenette with the window open, blowing fresh Hawaii air through my soul. I was in the...
How Do You Sell Sacred Space?
It hit me today that I am not selling a house. I am selling sacred space. Whoever lands in this home is landing in the land of magic. If they come...
If We Don’t Die, Why Extend the Mourning?
We don't die. Even if we did, it wouldn't change what the survivors should do, right? When someone exits the planet, you have a choice. You live, or...
Death is Not a Big Deal
I had no exposure to religion growing up - or ever. Now, I walk directly with God. He is the path I was on; relentlessly seeking something my entire...
I Miss the Man on Messenger
And I would do anything to have him back in my life. But it would have to stop right there. It could not go one step further. It could not talk...
Getting Pushed Out of a Toothpaste Tube Hurts
I am mourning the loss of someone I've shared many messages with and seen a few pictures of but never met in person. My life is so wild. I will be...
Trust Fall with God
A small yet significant story from my childhood comes back to me at different times. Each time it comes back around, I learn another lesson. Last...
You Thought Your Way Here – Think Your Way Somewhere Else
This work that I do has me walking between two worlds; the one I left behind in Washington a year next month and the one that opens me up to the...
How I Live In The Magic
I am not even similar to the woman I was seven years ago. What am I doing differently now? What do I do that was not part of my modus operandi seven...
Busting Out of Your Comfort Zone
I thought I was the strongest woman on the planet until faced with driving in snow! I was such a princess during my marriage - I never had to drive....
My Secret Life is About to Explode
Today from Mount Shasta, CA, I will be sharing how something beautiful, magical, and potentially devastating is right around the corner for me....
I knew I had to hit the road. When I got to I-5, I had to go south. I've only headed north. This was a no-brainer. Then the road that would take me...
Life in a Cave on the Coast
To get through this next chapter of my life, I have had to live as if in a cave in India. It has been very hard; I have had to master presence.
Why Listen To Me? You’ve asked, I am answering
I knew moving from my home, my relationship and career of 25 years - big changes would be coming. Oh they did not disappoint. I have been in...
Maria Elena MEXIA – Part Two
THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY - Episode FourteenWe are simply normal people going about our lives... and then, we get the calling...In Part II, we watch...
Maria Elena MEXIA – Part One
THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY - Episode ThirteenWe are simply normal people going about our lives... and then, we get the calling...In this video, we...
THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY - Episode TwelveJen is embarking on something you wouldn't want to do... In early February, Jen will come out from forty...
THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY - Episode ElevenThese two women both accessed my deceased friend - and both received messages for me. I was drawn to...
The Guidance You Don’t Follow
THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY - Episode NineYou may think you follow the guidance you get, In this video I will prove that you don't. You can't!People...
Everything is Energy & My Next Move
THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY - Episode EightCari explains how everything, even a thought, is energy - and announces her next move!At the Monroe Institute...
THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY – My Miracle Manifestations
THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY - Episode FourWe get what we think about... it's your basic Law of Attraction in action. I was pretty amazed when I realized...
Welcome to the first episode, the overview of The Path Beyond Harmony. Seekers are all out there looking for somewhere to hitch their wagons. If I...
The Path beyond harmony
My new life starts right now. This is a new video series I was guided to create. My time in Sedona changed my life completely. Everything has...
I Can’t Play in the Same Sandbox with You
Humans, you are getting hard; make that impossible to be around. I guess I've been so far removed from you already, then with a pandemic sprinkled...
The Shot Dividing Us
I had an eerie feeling it was going to come to this. Now that it has, it will be interesting to see where we go from here. We thought we had an...
Heartless? No… Just no longer broken
We are told by Zen masters to be mindful and present. After achieving this level of existence, I realize most humans could not even begin to live in...
I WANTED THAT JOB! I Really Believed I Did
A short video about getting what we want, and not getting what we think we want, through manifestation.
COVID, You’ve Been a Gift
I know most people wouldn't say this, but for me, COVID, you've been a gift. Because it was on its way, I received very deliberate guidance in...