I Wanted Him to Treat Me This Way? Really?

I Wanted Him to Treat Me This Way? Really?

I have had a few conversations with a lovely young woman who works at a local establishment.    Chatting yesterday, I told her about the two boys trying to escape eleven years of captivity. She shared her story with me once we opened up and she knew I was a safe...
You Can Cure SAD & Depression

You Can Cure SAD & Depression

I met her when she cut my Covid hair grow out. She is a very talented hair dresser. What I didn’t expect was the story she shared with me. I am an open book so she had a great idea of where I come from; which made it easy to share how she did what she did. This...
This Little Video is Quite Popular

This Little Video is Quite Popular

A short video I did over a year ago is apparently gaining traction. I continually get notifications of new comments. I want to stay on top of them as there are so many questions people have about what happens in between lives. The first video is the one from a year...
Signs Of Aging – Why Do You Look For Them?

Signs Of Aging – Why Do You Look For Them?

Your mother did it. Your grandmother did it. So did Aunt Becky and Uncle Lou. Humans have been in agreement that when you hit “a certain age,” stuff is going to start happening to your body. Many of you start running from it… because You...