What a Real Dad Looks Like

What a Real Dad Looks Like

Often we don’t see what is right before us. After four dads left us broken and lost, an angel stepped in. At 21-years-old he took on a monumental task of raising three broken girls. He wasn’t alone. Down the street was another angel raising three boys.

SEDONA – Homeless with a Dead Boyfriend

SEDONA – Homeless with a Dead Boyfriend

The last thing he had to do before he died was meet Cari Palmer from Puyallup. Without so much as touching, I learned what “love” means. He died just over seven weeks later. I wrote an entire book about him.

Musical Messages From Beyond The Veil

Musical Messages From Beyond The Veil

It is impossible to believe I have lived in Mount Shasta for six months as of April 6th. Where did the time go? Oh yeah, home repair. Moving here was the catalyst I needed to have the rest of the words for my books basically vomit out of my mouth. Here I am with my...