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When You Pray, I May Show Up

When You Pray, I May Show Up

I am brought to those who are asking for help. Maybe you are praying, or you have a situation unfolding in your world that is out of your control; it is spinning in a bad direction, and something must be done. I never know why I am brought to anyone. I know where to...

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I Wanted Him to Treat Me This Way? Really?

I Wanted Him to Treat Me This Way? Really?

I have had a few conversations with a lovely young woman who works at a local establishment.    Chatting yesterday, I told her about the two boys trying to escape eleven years of captivity. She shared her story with me once we opened up and she knew I was a safe...

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Maui – Breaking Your Soul’s Circle Cycle

Maui – Breaking Your Soul’s Circle Cycle

I am in Maui as I write this. Sitting inside my little kitchenette with the window open, blowing fresh Hawaii air through my soul. I was in the midst of selling my house and moving to Mount Shasta just days ago. I realized when my house wasn't moving, and the house I...

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How Do You Sell Sacred Space?

How Do You Sell Sacred Space?

It hit me today that I am not selling a house. I am selling sacred space. Whoever lands in this home is landing in the land of magic. If they come here to keep the magic alive, it will stay alive as long as they desire. If they want to kill the magic, they can in a...

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If We Don’t Die, Why Extend the Mourning?

If We Don’t Die, Why Extend the Mourning?

We don't die. Even if we did, it wouldn't change what the survivors should do, right? When someone exits the planet, you have a choice. You live, or you stop living. What do you choose? Not that it matters, but what would the deceased think you should do?  Geez,...

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Death is Not a Big Deal

Death is Not a Big Deal

I had no exposure to religion growing up - or ever. Now, I walk directly with God. He is the path I was on; relentlessly seeking something my entire life. Now that I walk with him, and I hear directly from him. He is directing me on what you need to know.  Why do...

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I am Not Relationship Material

I am Not Relationship Material

I thought I had my life partner by my side. We were growing together magically. That is... until he realized he couldn't comprehend being in a perfect relationship.I don't expect I will meet another other human at this level until my books are finished. Once I explain...

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