I saw a meme recently in passing along the same line as this. An animal looking at a human with amazement - when they "understand" that humans chose a system where they must pay to live on this planet.  2016 will go down in infamy. I went to bed very early that night...



I would love to have a drink with Jim Carrey now. We are nothing like the rest of you. We would laugh hard for hours talking about y'all and your limited thinking. His friends "are worried for him" because the crap that they desperately care about, he doesn't care...



Staying the night in Medford, I was stoked to enjoy Olive Garden. I got my usual - salad, bread, and a side chicken breast. I was stuffed. I couldn't eat another bite. I took a picture because I was shocked. I've been able to consume so much more. I stop when full.We...



This letter is written to my old friends, family, neighbors co-workers and classmates. It is written to tell you the world we once knew is no longer going to exist. You don’t have to listen to me, but your options for “listening” lately have been rather shady....



After I went on the cruise in March, a massive download came through early in the morning of March 29th. I woke up screaming and crying, shaking to my soul. At that very moment I was shown why I was “sent” to Hawaii on August 6, two days before the fire. I can’t make this stuff up. I was sent there for a reason.



They are on Amazon for the "soft launch" and are on sale. The launch has yet to happen. The huge marketing plan is underway at Balboa and Amazon Publishing. For now, this is a placeholder for access to the books and the story. I promised to send a notice in advance...

What a Real Dad Looks Like

What a Real Dad Looks Like

Often we don’t see what is right before us. After four dads left us broken and lost, an angel stepped in. At 21-years-old he took on a monumental task of raising three broken girls. He wasn’t alone. Down the street was another angel raising three boys.

SEDONA – Homeless with a Dead Boyfriend

SEDONA – Homeless with a Dead Boyfriend

The last thing he had to do before he died was meet Cari Palmer from Puyallup. Without so much as touching, I learned what “love” means. He died just over seven weeks later. I wrote an entire book about him.

Holy Cow! With the Flip of a Switch, He’s Off the Hook.

Holy Cow! With the Flip of a Switch, He’s Off the Hook.

God does not disappoint. There are no errors. Two years ago on September 15th, the most perfect human being was sent to me as a promise of the future. He is tall, gorgeous (to my standards - I am the only one who matters), magical, and everything else that was perfect...

Musical Messages From Beyond The Veil

Musical Messages From Beyond The Veil

It is impossible to believe I have lived in Mount Shasta for six months as of April 6th. Where did the time go? Oh yeah, home repair. Moving here was the catalyst I needed to have the rest of the words for my books basically vomit out of my mouth. Here I am with my...

Don’t “I Do” Until You Read This

Don’t “I Do” Until You Read This

  When I met John O. on the Safeguard Business Systems ski bus to Whistler, I knew it was all over. He was cute, charming, handsome, and so much fun. His personality was something I wasn’t used to. He was quick witted, had a great sense of humor with a brilliant...

Oh When His Ants… Start Marching In…

Oh When His Ants… Start Marching In…

While I truly cannot be around people as a rule, there is one I cannot get away from. I am fine with this. It is my only human challenge, but I get to watch it all unfold. We live on acreage here. I don’t have a huge space, but my neighbor does. When the weather is...

You Forgot Miracles Exist

You Forgot Miracles Exist

I see a vision. I am holding a piece of black paper and two drops of water are added to the paper. In a moment, the two drops of water move together to become one. At that point, they cannot be separated. Which parts belong to which drop? It is all one. It is the...

Being Jessica Rabbit

Being Jessica Rabbit

Last night, I enjoyed a chicken street taco at my favorite Mexican restaurant. In the bar, there was a family of eight having dinner. All adults, but really quiet. If you've ever been to a Mexican restaurant when someone has a birthday, they are all pretty...

Was that your person? Beyond the Break Up – Overnight

Was that your person? Beyond the Break Up – Overnight

We think we are to mate for life. We are not. We have agreements for people to enter into our lives to help us become what we need to become. When we have fulfilled our agreement, we feel emptiness... but we stay in the relationship... why? It is over. A young couple...

From Human to Heaven in a Skin Bag

From Human to Heaven in a Skin Bag

Living as an enlightened human being... What is this like? I know. I live it daily.The title of my first book came through me after the experience of becoming what I am. The first book - Season One (out of Four books) in the series "Only Beautiful Things Happen to Me"...

Next Step To Heaven On Earth

Next Step To Heaven On Earth

I don't want food. I genuinely don't. Food is something we grow up seeing as a significant part of life. It is everything. It is cultural. It is conversational. It is art. It pulls families together. It is tradition. It is creation at its finest. On the flip side,...

Three Books Almost Shelf Ready – It’s About Time

Three Books Almost Shelf Ready – It’s About Time

I made each of these short so you can watch as much or as little as you want. My books are coming to an end. I am moving and I don't know where. I am floating in between realities right now. I love my crazy life. Video #1 In this video I summarize the first and second...

Living In 5D

Living In 5D

I no longer live any storylines on this planet, so there is no opportunity for illness. We create illness when we choose to stay stuck in a situation we want to be out of, but we don't take action. That is when we find sickness and disease. I finished all of my...

Watching as We Once Again Self Destruct

Watching as We Once Again Self Destruct

I had a beautiful relationship with my grandfather. I was the only one who said, "Yes, let go," when he was ready to leave this earth. Everyone else begged him to stay as they knew he was the glue that held them together. He told me early on, "Man is ruining his own...

You Chose This Mess – Choose Your Way Out

You Chose This Mess – Choose Your Way Out

not knowing better, i was stuck in stories for years - not knowing why i was in the story - or that there was a way out.This video, "Do you choose the easy way, or the right way", reminds you every moment of every day, you choose what happens to you.  Most of us get...

When You Pray, I May Show Up

When You Pray, I May Show Up

I am brought to those who are asking for help. Maybe you are praying, or you have a situation unfolding in your world that is out of your control; it is spinning in a bad direction, and something must be done. I never know why I am brought to anyone. I know where to...

I Wanted Him to Treat Me This Way? Really?

I Wanted Him to Treat Me This Way? Really?

I have had a few conversations with a lovely young woman who works at a local establishment.    Chatting yesterday, I told her about the two boys trying to escape eleven years of captivity. She shared her story with me once we opened up and she knew I was a safe...

Maui – Breaking Your Soul’s Circle Cycle

Maui – Breaking Your Soul’s Circle Cycle

I am in Maui as I write this. Sitting inside my little kitchenette with the window open, blowing fresh Hawaii air through my soul. I was in the midst of selling my house and moving to Mount Shasta just days ago. I realized when my house wasn't moving, and the house I...

How Do You Sell Sacred Space?

How Do You Sell Sacred Space?

It hit me today that I am not selling a house. I am selling sacred space. Whoever lands in this home is landing in the land of magic. If they come here to keep the magic alive, it will stay alive as long as they desire. If they want to kill the magic, they can in a...

If We Don’t Die, Why Extend the Mourning?

If We Don’t Die, Why Extend the Mourning?

We don't die. Even if we did, it wouldn't change what the survivors should do, right? When someone exits the planet, you have a choice. You live, or you stop living. What do you choose? Not that it matters, but what would the deceased think you should do?  Geez,...

Death is Not a Big Deal

Death is Not a Big Deal

I had no exposure to religion growing up - or ever. Now, I walk directly with God. He is the path I was on; relentlessly seeking something my entire life. Now that I walk with him, and I hear directly from him. He is directing me on what you need to know.  Why do...

I am Not Relationship Material

I am Not Relationship Material

I thought I had my life partner by my side. We were growing together magically. That is... until he realized he couldn't comprehend being in a perfect relationship.I don't expect I will meet another other human at this level until my books are finished. Once I explain...

I Miss the Man on Messenger

I Miss the Man on Messenger

And I would do anything to have him back in my life. But it would have to stop right there. It could not go one step further. It could not talk about the future. It could only be the present. Too much water is under the bridge. Too much broken has been exposed. Too...

Getting Pushed Out of a Toothpaste Tube Hurts

Getting Pushed Out of a Toothpaste Tube Hurts

I am mourning the loss of someone I've shared many messages with and seen a few pictures of but never met in person. My life is so wild. I will be over it because I am returning to my silent Spiritual Coma. But it doesn't mean I wasn't excited about it. But just like...

Trust Fall with God

Trust Fall with God

A small yet significant story from my childhood comes back to me at different times. Each time it comes back around, I learn another lesson. Last night was no exception. I was shown that we can only learn what we can at any point in life when we are ready for...

How I Live In The Magic

How I Live In The Magic

I am not even similar to the woman I was seven years ago. What am I doing differently now? What do I do that was not part of my modus operandi seven years ago? These are truly the simple things I do that have brought me to Enlightenment. I live in bliss 100% of the...

Busting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Busting Out of Your Comfort Zone

I thought I was the strongest woman on the planet until faced with driving in snow! I was such a princess during my marriage - I never had to drive. When I went alone, it was on a bluebird day.  Given a great deal for a week in Mount Bachelor, I desperately needed a...

My Secret Life is About to Explode

My Secret Life is About to Explode

Today from Mount Shasta, CA, I will be sharing how something beautiful, magical, and potentially devastating is right around the corner for me. Preparing myself for this upcoming day, I am not optimistic, yet I am prepared to accept and live with whatever the outcome....



I knew I had to hit the road. When I got to I-5, I had to go south. I've only headed north. This was a no-brainer. Then the road that would take me to Reno had fire delays; another obvious thing I'd avoid.  This journey delivered me to a mountain I heard about as a...

You Can’t Lie to God

You Can’t Lie to God

This last summer has been an adventure I will never forget.  I knew I was to disappear. I didn't know at all what that meant - but now I do. I disappeared from every human I had been in contact with completely. What was it all for? I was brought to this space to...

We Truly Choose to Get Sick

We Truly Choose to Get Sick

When I was in the middle of "reality," I was sick - a lot. The highlight was passing out in the lobby of a walk-in clinic, waking up to paramedics asking me my name and who the president was. This is after they evacuated the lobby full of sick people to another...

This Little Video is Quite Popular

This Little Video is Quite Popular

A short video I did over a year ago is apparently gaining traction. I continually get notifications of new comments. I want to stay on top of them as there are so many questions people have about what happens in between lives. The first video is the one from a year...

Signs Of Aging – Why Do You Look For Them?

Signs Of Aging – Why Do You Look For Them?

Your mother did it. Your grandmother did it. So did Aunt Becky and Uncle Lou. Humans have been in agreement that when you hit "a certain age," stuff is going to start happening to your body. Many of you start running from it... because You "know" it is coming, but...

Why Listen To Me? You’ve asked, I am answering

Why Listen To Me? You’ve asked, I am answering

I knew moving from my home, my relationship and career of 25 years - big changes would be coming. Oh they did not disappoint. I have been in surrender mode for years now. I am a wide open receiver, and this is why so much comes through me now. But how did I get here?...


This is the list of the books I've read, and listened to, on this journey. From the last fiction book I read (although not fiction to me) the Alchemist, to Caroline Myss. These books downloaded information into me to re-member everything on the topic within my...

Maria Elena MEXIA – Part Two

Maria Elena MEXIA – Part Two

THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY - Episode FourteenWe are simply normal people going about our lives... and then, we get the calling...In Part II, we watch the unfolding of Maria Elena's healing abilties. As she opened up, she allowed great masters to come through her;...

Maria Elena MEXIA – Part One

Maria Elena MEXIA – Part One

THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY - Episode ThirteenWe are simply normal people going about our lives... and then, we get the calling...In this video, we learn how Maria Elena Mexia went from directing (and performing as a singer) in the opera for much of her life. When she...



THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY - Episode TwelveJen is embarking on something you wouldn't want to do... In early February, Jen will come out from forty days being in a dark room with absolutely no light. How will she change? I can only imagine in beautiful ways.



THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY - Episode ElevenThese two women both accessed my deceased friend - and both received messages for me.  I was drawn to Jen during a Zoom call as her stories were crazier than mine. After a quick conversation, she offered to do a soul retrieval...

The Guidance You Don’t Follow

The Guidance You Don’t Follow

THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY - Episode NineYou may think you follow the guidance you get, In this video I will prove that you don't. You can't!People frequently tell me that they try to live by following guidance all of the time - like I do. This video will prove why you...

Everything is Energy & My Next Move

Everything is Energy & My Next Move

THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY - Episode EightCari explains how everything, even a thought, is energy - and announces her next move!At the Monroe Institute for a week recently, I had another huge opening come through to me. I listen to guidance, so my path is radically...

Beliefs, Truth & Guidance

Beliefs, Truth & Guidance

THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY - Beliefs, Truth & GuidanceEpisode Five - We have been handed down family beliefs for generations. Why do we simply adopt them because someone decades ago believed it to be true? Challenge your beliefs and begin to see yourself expanding...

THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY – My Miracle Manifestations

THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY – My Miracle Manifestations

THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY - Episode FourWe get what we think about... it's your basic Law of Attraction in action. I was pretty amazed when I realized the thing I fantasized about actually came true. Looking back, I see all of the experiences I manifested, good, bad and...

THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY – Following Guidance

THE PATH BEYOND HARMONY – Following Guidance

In this video Cari shares examples when - against the beliefs that drive humans into action - she followed guidance; how the options made her feel. She's never followed the 'sure thing' and never followed the money. By going the opposite of what your beliefs tell you...

todays post

Emotions - how you feel is everything! Change how you feel and you will be changing everything in your life! Feel great, life will be great. If you feel others are responsible for your happiness, I've got reallly bad news for you...



Welcome to the first episode, the overview of The Path Beyond Harmony. Seekers are all out there looking for somewhere to hitch their wagons. If I can be that wagon for just one person to find their way to awakening, that is why I am here.   My journey has been...

The Path beyond harmony

The Path beyond harmony

My new life starts right now. This is a new video series I was guided to create. My time in Sedona changed my life completely. Everything has shifted. I have been living ONLY by following guidance, and it is astonishing what you find when you are true to yourself. We...

I Can’t Play in the Same Sandbox with You

I Can’t Play in the Same Sandbox with You

Humans, you are getting hard; make that impossible to be around. I guess I've been so far removed from you already, then with a pandemic sprinkled on top, I haven't seen you in well over a year. The biggest group I've been around is in the grocery store. Just being...

The Shot Dividing Us

The Shot Dividing Us

I had an eerie feeling it was going to come to this. Now that it has, it will be interesting to see where we go from here. We thought we had an administration problem in our country and blamed it for everything. Now, it is your personal choice that will divide us; you...

Heartless? No… Just no longer broken

Heartless? No… Just no longer broken

We are told by Zen masters to be mindful and present. After achieving this level of existence, I realize most humans could not even begin to live in this state. As you start to ascend levels of higher consciousness, you leave everything else behind that bound you....

I Don’t Miss My Daughter

I Don’t Miss My Daughter

She’s off to college and as she drove away, I moved on to the next segment of my life. She is fine. I have nothing to worry about. I let her go.

COVID, You’ve Been a Gift

COVID, You’ve Been a Gift

I know most people wouldn't say this, but for me, COVID, you've been a gift. Because it was on its way, I received very deliberate guidance in October of 2019 to buy paint and canvases. I had no idea why, because I'm not a painter or artist. But I listen to my...

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy Birthday to Me!

On October 8, 1959, with the help of a little castor oil, my mother grunted a few times and then poof, there was Cari. That's right, my 60th birthday was two days ago, and you didn't see it anywhere on Facebook! How can this be? Well, three years ago, after much...

Following my Arrow!

Following my Arrow!

I know I know... I haven't posted anything in quite some time. It's not that I don't want to share what's going on; I've started more unpublished posts than you could imagine! Now that I've created life as I want it to be, with everything energetically in alignment, I...

Happy Thanksgiving? Make it happy.

Happy Thanksgiving? Make it happy.

Happy Thanksgiving? Make it happy. It’s officially the holiday season. The weather is cold. It’s a short work week for most. Kids are home from college. The world is wonderful. Many are on their way right now to visit friends and family for the Thanksgiving holiday....

Allow or Resist? It’s Your Choice.

Allow or Resist? It’s Your Choice.

If given a choice between being stressed and not feeling good - or - feeling good and always knowing that everything is always working out for you, what would you choose? You are either deciding to allow or resist. It's your choice after all. I had a conversation with...

The Secret to Raising a Beautiful Human

The Secret to Raising a Beautiful Human

I believe I've discovered the secret to raising a beautiful human! I don’t know about your family, but the rule in our family was, “if you tell the truth, you won’t get in trouble.” As it always turned out, that was one of the biggest lies ever told. But at least it...

Aghast at the Child Abuse I Witnessed Today

Aghast at the Child Abuse I Witnessed Today

I was aghast at the child abuse I witnessed today when I stopped by my favorite Mexican restaurant to pick up to-go chips and salsa. When I got out of my car, I heard a woman yelling and screaming while dropping explosive F-bombs but I couldn't tell where the yelling...

Hold on Batman. It’s Gonna be a Wild Ride!

Hold on Batman. It’s Gonna be a Wild Ride!

Hold on Batman; it's gonna be a wild ride! Wow, it's 2018, and as I planned and predicted, everything is unfolding right before my eyes. I literally visualize a little snowball at the top of the hill as it begins to roll down. As it rolls it grows and grows and picks...

Suicide Does Not Have to be an Option

Suicide Does Not Have to be an Option

Suicide doesn't have to be an option. Why do you think kids end up going this route? I am stating right out of the gate that I am not an expert, but when I was younger, three times I thought ending my life was the only answer. I was so close to ending it all because...

Be Who You Are Meant to Be

Be Who You Are Meant to Be

As we approach yet another brand new year, why not let this year be the year you finally and completely allow yourself to be who you are meant to be? What do you have to lose? Let's honor ourselves in 2018! Years ago when I was "only" working part-time in Seattle...

December 18th, It Became Real.

As I was driving home from working in Olympia last week, I watched as a freight train was above me on the overpass as we were both moving fast in our respective directions. This train trestle, covered with graffiti, is part of the landscape that has been around for...

Do Not Disturb! Crazy Lady having Pity Party

Do Not Disturb! Crazy Lady having Pity Party

DO NOT DISTURB! Crazy lady having pity party inside - please no interruptions. Sometimes you just need to curl up with your dog on the floor and let the tears flow. She doesn't have a clue what is going on, all she knows is that life as she knows it - with me as her...

Ben & Jerry’s Tonight – Spine Surgery Tomorrow

Ben & Jerry’s Tonight – Spine Surgery Tomorrow

I have three tablespoons left of my Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream that I've been milking since my backache first started Monday, October 16th. Tomorrow, finally after living in agony, I go in for back surgery. Tonight, I will finish my ice cream....

Living Groundhog Day

Living Groundhog Day

What did a day in the life look like for me? Honestly, I've been living groundhog day for so long, it's all I knew. I would wake up as early as I could so I could visit with Hannah before she took off to school. I'd help her put her lunch together and then she'd be...

I Have a Confession to Make

I Have a Confession to Make

Yep, I have a confession to make. Yesterday I was given the go-ahead by my daughter to post something on social media. She has been accepted and has signed on the dotted line that she will go to Washington State University in the fall of next year. My little girl will...

Be Alone and Never be Lonely

Be Alone and Never be Lonely

When I post something on my blog or comment on a social media post about the beauty I find in the time I spend being entirely alone, it amazes me how people respond. The responses are along the lines of "congratulations, so proud of you, wish I could do it," or even...

Cari 2.0

Cari 2.0

I went to the Oregon coast for clarity. If someone I knew ten years ago connected with me today, they would see an entirely new version of me. I'm the new Cari 2.0! I have experienced constant change over the last five years. Much of this began when I walked away from...

Move Heaven and Earth – for What?

Move Heaven and Earth – for What?

Often, we want to move heaven and earth to help someone... for what? When you find yourself entangled in the lives of other people, it can be exhausting! I found myself drawn into two different life situations happening simultaneously. They were situations I was fully...

Look What You Made Me Do

Look What You Made Me Do

Look what you made me do, Taylor Swift! You made me write a blog post about your new song. How did you pull that off? Frankly, I don't really know who or what the song is about; I only hope she doesn't mean it when she says that famous phrase, "look what you made me...

The Beauty of Abuse

The Beauty of Abuse

The beauty of abuse, how ridiculous that must sound! The thing is, without the horrible childhood I had, I would not be where I am today without it. This is my absolute truth! When you come from a life of hell, you usually end up going one of two ways. You either...

Soul Transcenders

Soul Transcenders

Rather than wait for calls from organizations I've contacted to come and speak to their people, I'm doing it myself. Why didn't I think of this before? Well, mostly because the plan I have laid out is to start the groundwork while my daughter is still in school. After...

Unconventional Graduation Wisdom

Unconventional Graduation Wisdom

As you graduate from high school and prepare to take on the world and all the unknown adventures ahead, here are a few nuggets of wisdom; unconventional graduation wisdom. Keep this with you as you move forward in life as a reminder that you can do or be anything you...

Quiet Your Mind and Discover Your Awareness

Quiet Your Mind and Discover Your Awareness

What are you thinking about right now? What thoughts are zooming around in your head? Are you thinking about what to make for dinner, where you put your glasses, why the earth moves at the speed it does, why your kid was unhappy this morning... what is going through...

How My Purpose Found Me

How My Purpose Found Me

I know, you haven't seen a blog post from me since March 8th. Trust me, I've started about 15 articles, but by the time the next day came, my mind moved on to bigger and better things. You see, I have been on a path of immense growth over the last couple of years. At...